Monday, April 16

life...take two

"Take hold of the life that really is life."

--1 Timothy 6:19

As some of you people out there might know, in the blogger can be quite pressured. Stressful, even. There's SO many things you "need to do!!" as a successful blogger - for example, is photography in? Then I need to take a photography class (which, I gotta admit, I was already wanting to do...this just gave me an excuse ;) haha). Inspiring posts are necessary for acquiring many followers? Check! A post every two days, with maybe a 'wordless Wednesday' or something like that? Gotta get that down! Etsy shop needed? Umm...I'll think about it. Vintage is the thing? Well...that's cute...maybe I can find some vintage-y pics that I like...OK, sorry, I'm just not a vintage girl. :) But seriously, it's like every other part of the world - there's always something you can conform to.

But what if I don't want to conform? What if I step back and think, "Seriously? This is where I put my time and effort? Do I enjoy this, this competition, this facade of who I really am?"

So...that's kinda how this verse hit me, and I just wanted to share. My blog is not my life. My schoolwork is not my life. Books are not my life (gasp!). I am who I am, and I am in Christ - He is my life.

And, OK, I started this post last night. And afterwards, I could not go to sleep for quite a bit of time. Why? I was so excited about blogging! Now that I've realized that I can be posting for me, not for them, (whoever "they" are) a whole new world of opportunities opened up for me! (And that sounded so totally cliche it was wonderful.) I "get it" now, why I didn't want to post on my blog. I was so stressed over what other people would think of it, whether it was inspiring or not.

Well, who cares if it's inspiring or not? Yes, I want my blog posts to point towards Jesus Christ. (But, well, to steal Jocee's words in her comment here, if the rest of the blogger world doesn't like that, then screw them! {don't take that too literally, please}) I don't really care if no one is reading my blog (OK, I kinda do...). But really, this is my outlet for creative writing, what I enjoy doing! And I have the freedom to do that! Right now, it doesn't really matter what another person thinks about it. Here, I can write out my thoughts, I can dream, I can pray, I can share my heart...

Oh, darn it, I need to go make breakfast. Within one minute. Oops (I'm gonna be late :P). ;)

Love and blessings,
Nicole <3 John 5:24

1 comment:

Trinka said...

This is exactly how I feel! Thanks so much for writing this, and for sharing that verse! :) I love it.
I too want to show Jesus in everything I post on my blog, write, say and act. Definitely not an easy job! It's something that I've been praying about, praying that it will come easier :)
One thing that's become really clear is that what I put into my life comes out the same.

Yeah...sorry for getting off topic ;)
1 John 3:16-20