We brought them today to the science class that we go to at a nearby church - it was our last day (thank You, Jesus!), so a bunch of people brought snacks and our teacher let us hang out and stuff our faces for about a half an hour. There are now 8 treats left - er, never mind, there are 7. My dad just scarfed one down. ;)
And I just wanted to say, I edited that picture ^^ with PicMonkey! Very easy, completely free, you don't even have to register, and the only limitation (that I've found so far) is that with some special effects, they stamp their monkey logo in the corner of the picture. And let me say, I never did use Picnik, so I don't know how it is compared to that, but I just know that this is very useful and extremely simple & user friendly!
So...here are two other pics that I've edited with PicMonkey so far:
Before... |
![]() |
After! ;) |
I've been wanting to do something like that with a pic of my desk since about a month ago, but I didn't really think about it again until I saw this feature that PicMonkey had - and, tada! It really isn't a good picture, but I really just wanted to the black-&-white-but-leave-the-flowers-colored thing. ;) But here's the pic I really like... (wow, I'm all over the "really"s today :P)
Before... |
![]() |
After!! {insert sparkling music... ...no, wait, music can't sparkle... ...you know what I mean} |
Hehe. About this picture: we used to juice carrots ALL the time a couple of years ago, but we don't do it as much anymore. A month or two back, though, we were juicing quite a bit more often, so one day we took all the carrot peelings we had saved and put back in the plastic bags that the carrots came in, and we brought them to a nearby field where the cows roam, and the envelopes play...hehe, sorry. {When my brother was younger, he was quite convinced that it was pronounced 'envelope', not 'antelope'. ;) Ah, little brothers...}.
Anyway, we dumped out all of the peelings for them, fed a few by hand, snapped a couple of pics, and then left them to enjoy their juicy snack. We used to do the same at our old house, only it was horses we fed, because we had neighbors behind our house who were, like, the most amazing neighbors ever and let us feed their horses and play in their pool and pick their tomatoes...see, I told you they were awesome. ;)
This week has been and will certainly continue to be positively busy. And I positively enjoy it. To name a few, we have had and have yet to have basketball practices, games, youth group (for me), science class, going to the library, dance lessons (Mom), coupoun-ing with friends (Mom and I), dance competition (Mom, she can't wait!! a mini-match, her first), etc. And....well, I'll have to surprise you later with a bit of information that I'm just bursting with excitement about.
Now we're off to watch the boys' basketball games! JV and varsity. They're playing at a school where my friend used to go! ;) (Unfortunately, I heard that the other team has a pretty good height advantage over us, with two guys on the varsity team that are as tall as our tallest player, who's, like, 6' 3'' or something. :P)
Love and blessings,
Nicole <3 John 5:24
I love your desk! It's so pretty! Editing pictures is so much fun! I use Piknic for now, when it closes I'll have to check out Picmonkey :)
Aw, thanks. ;) So sorry I haven't emailed you yet!! :P We've been crazy busy, as I mentioned, and I've been so excited with blogging, but I miss emailing you! I'm actually in the car right now with my little netbook about to go somewhere (I've got internet with our little MiFi thing from Verizon), but maybe I'll have time. ;)
Tell me what you think about this
blog design (you don't have to use it though!)
Sure! (about the blog design!)
It was all pretty but I did not know if I liked it eather! I will try again!!!
Go look now!
That's alright :) Busy is fun!
I need you to go to authors and add me as one (thedorris5@gmail.com) than I can add it on!!!
Yes! Now you just need to admin me! BTW would you like the colors on your blog design a little lighter?
Tell me what you think! (I can design your blog up to 2 times a month just so you know!!! LOVE designing!!!)
Hey! You can totally take me off contributors and change anything you like!!!
PS Glad you love it!
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